Monday, June 04, 2007

Day 4 of the challenge & official weigh in day

2 rashers bacon
1 egg

lite cheddar babybel
small apple

last of the homemade baked beans
a small yellow pepper
about 5 cherry tomatoes

small apple
4 macadamias
few cashews

cashew nut curry (containing turkey, mushrooms, onion and lots of other nice things)
peas (lots and lots)
2 spoons of mango chutney

Summary of vegetable\salad portions: 3 portions at lunch, 2 at dinner
Also 2 fruit portions

Exercise - well, Monday is a really long day for me. I work at school from 9-3.30 and then go straight to do some home tutoring for and hour and a half, all of which meant I didn't really get much exercise, but I did join in the Athletics lesson that I was supervising this afternoon (the school gets an outside instructor in to run the sessions, but requires a staff member there in case of discipline etc)

Water - I lost count again, but let me think.... yep, definitely got over 6 pints. Seems like I'm addicted to the stuff!

No eating after dinner - well I've have my dinner now, and I feel lovely and full, so I know I've had enough to eat. So I won't let myself give in to cravings later on if I get them.

Weigh-in - I was 261 lb this morning. I'm going to take my weight last Monday (at the OWOA weigh-in) as my start of challenge weight, because my weight on the 1st was similar to that I think, or if I wasn't I don't actually remember because I only write down the official weigh-in weights, if that makes sense! So so far I have lost 3.8 lb on this challenge. I'm determined to try to get into the 250's for next week :-)
Oh, and todays weight is the lowest I've been on this weight-loss journey. I have reached it a couple of times already on the journey and then put a few pounds back on, but this time hopefully the challenge will ensure I push on through the decade barrier, and on down with the weight loss.

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