Saturday, March 08, 2014

Thumping great big headache of doom

Thurs 8pm glass of smoothie made by my friend and delivered! It comtained strawberry, kiwi, beet root, carrot, cherries. Mango and maybe something else. Tasted yummy

7. Bowl of sausage casserole
12 peanut butter, glass of smoothie
12.45 bowl of mince and veg stuff I found in the freezer and don't remember exactly what was in it!
19.00 chicken wrapped in bacon, couple spoonfuls rice and peas, mixed veg, roasted broccoli, three baby tomatoes
Think there was more peanut butter in there somewhere too. Need to find a better snack thing to eat. Went to bed early with headache

9 porridge with banana and strawberry. I know I'm trying to stay low carb, but this was really all I fancied
12 last of the smoothie
12.30 3 rashers of bsck bacon and two egg omelette with cheese in too
15.00 spoonful of peanut butter

Think I've struggled with this headache and frustration - couldn't pack kitchen stuff cos I didnt have any tape. Not I have tape, but have lost enthusiasm. Have packed other useful things today though, and cleared out various things to give to folk at church tomorrow, etc.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Day 2

8.30 bowl of sausage casserole (yes, I eat odd things for breakfast! )
12.15 bowl of stir fry (yesterday's leftovers) I put out all that was left. But only ate half.
15.30 ate the rest of the stir fry
17.00 spoonful of peanut butter, rest of the juice from yesterday
17.20 3 rashers of back bacon and two egg omelette with cheese in

It was an ok day. Felt pretty positive, but a headache hit about half ten, which I'm sure was a sugar detox headache! Got to see my sister and her baby, and my mum and dad, so we've had lots of fun. I fed them pasta bake from my freezer, so that felt good to use stuff up, but I didn't eat it!
Couldn't face more veg in the evening. I really wated bread or chocolate! Something to get my teeth into, so I thought I'd try bacon and eggs. I'm not really an egg fan,and was fed up of the omelette by the end, hence having bacon too!

Still got the evening to get through, but feeling pretty full. If I'm feeling snarky later, I have some yoghurt, and some frozen banana and strawberry I can add to it. Or a smoothie which my friend made and dropped off for me :)

I'm determined to get healthier. We all went to the park this afternoon, so not as much walking as yesterday, but a walk and some time in the fresh air

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Giving up eating rubbish for lent - Day one summary

7.00 glass of homemade juice - cucumber, carrot, apple, pear, lemon
10.30 as above
11.30 babybel cheese
12.00 Small pot of butternut squash soup (I took it out the freezer earlier thinking it was stock for my sausage casserole in the crock pot, but it turned out to be a small portion of soup!)
12.30 bowl of stir fried onion, courgettes, aubergine, asparagus, little tomatoes. And some tikka chicken on tipping
14.45 dessert spoon of peanut butter (and another one, and a piece of cheese. Need to get some just peanuts peanut butter for more healthy snackage)
16.30 Bowl of sausage casserole sauce! (JJ stole most of my sausage, but I had the tomato and other veg and chickpeas bit as a soup!)
20.20 Crust of wholemeal bread, toasted, with melted cheese. (Prob not the best choice, but better than suger or chocolate)

I'm pretty happy with my choices on the whole, I did a lot of walking and being on my feet this morning in the gap between dropping Sophie at nursery and picking her up again. I thought about meals, but snacks probably need more thought. The cheese I used today wasn't low fat, and I probably overdid the peanut butter! Also, I'm a bit disappointed I had bread, when I'm trying to be low carb, but I decided that one slice of that was the best choise available!

Tomorrow I want to try to stay off the carbs. I have juice, stir fried veg and sausage casserole leftovers in the fridge, so that's a good start. Getting out for some exercise would be good too. At least the walk to school and back in the morning would be a start, although it's my morning off (M usually takes Soph on a thursday) so maybe we'll walk to the post office later on...

I think I'm going to do best eating little and often, so I will try to continue that method. Previously I've had something like cashew nuts on hand for a mini snack, but cant do that now we know JJ's dreadfully allergic!

I havent weighed in, partly cos the wii fit is packed, and partly cos I just really don't want to know right now, I just know it's far too high!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I promised my heath trainer that I would weigh myself and email him the numbers cos when I saw him on Saturday the scales were locked in a cupboard and he couldn't get them out.

I've not weighed myself on the wii fit for about 6 months (it reckons) but it said that my weight had crept back up 8lb. Is that even creeping?! And it made me think "yuck".

I've started doing zumba through seeing a health trainer - there's a twelve week beginners course that  I can access through them, and that's on a Friday morning, and then I (Menard actually) found one on a Tuesday in a local community hall, so I've been going to that with a friend, though for a number of reasons I only seem to manage to do that every other week so far, so need a better track record than that. Add to that our fairly leisurely walk at forty hall on a Monday, some preschool runs (I've been doing too many in the car lately) and the occasional visit to my treadmill, I feel like I'm doing ok with exercise. It's the eating that I've let get out of control.

So I'm starting again (again) today. Right now. I just cooked up in my wok a big mix of stir fried veg - leek, asparagus, courgette, mushroom, red pepper and some homecooked chick peas. Threw in a bit of soy sauce for flavour, and ate a bowl of it for breakfast (with some cheese grated on top). I also had a heaped teaspoon of natural peanut butter (a no sugar added one) while I was waiting. And, i took a photo of the stuff in the bowl before I ate it. Photo post to follow tomorrow with all the things I ate today.

I've just gotten so out of control with my eating, I was back to eating lots of chocolate, crisps, and way too many carbs, especially bread. And pastry - I think I ate 4 sausage rolls yesterday. Ridiculous.

Will make sure I'm drinking lots of water too. First challenge - meeting a friend for 'coffee' this morning. Since I met her through a course the dietitian ran, I think the best thing is to bed honest and see if we can have a walk instead. Or if we go to a cafe, I'll just get a bottle of water.

Right, here's to getting more healthy

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh wow

Yesterday I was a little down. My weigh in the day before had said I was up a pound, and yesterday it went up a bit more. I figured it was probably water, but I felt down most of the day, to some degree.

My trip to Asda in the evening was an attempt to buy some yummy stuff for snacks/meals to try to inspire me (and that's when I bought the Parmesan and made the crisps). It was also conquering the place where I'd bought a lot of the chocolate and other sugary junk I was so addicted to oh so recently.

This morning I got on the scale (and although I hadn't eaten, I also hadn't pooed. Sorry, TMI!) and it said I was down 4. FOUR! Seriously, my body does some odd stuff with water retention. That's all I can put it down to. As I might have said yesterday, I don't think I drunk enough, and obviously my body thought so too.

Aim for today - get the water in! And stay on track at lunch out with a friend. And I'm seeing the dietitian (a referral from my GP). Hoping and praying that that's a useful appointment.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Plodding along

I'm still on phase one, more or less. By that I mean I have been eating things like carrots in moderation, which aren't really allowed.

Yesterday and today I was having this huge yen for mascapone cheese, which, yeah, isn't really on the diet, but I thought what harm could it do? But yesterday and today when I ate it it gave me a headache (yes, it was a bit silly to eat it a second time, but I was testing the theory that it was that that had given me the headache). And today I've been having cravings again, so I'm sure the sugar, albeit natural occurring sugars, messed with me a bit and I'll probably stay on phase one a bit longer to get over that.

I've noticed that I'm tending to not always get enough water in the afternoons, and if I've been out and about all morning I probably won't have drunk enough then either, so then I end up trying to make up for it in the evening, but it would be better to try to get enough throughout the day.

This evening I experimented making Parmesan crisps. I did it twice (in the microwave) and it worked ok, was better the second time, and will be perfect next time (or maybe just burnt!)

I've got an appointment with a dietitian tomorrow which I'm hoping will be helpful. I plan to take a copy of the South Beach diet book just in case they've never heard of it!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Starting over again

Hello, it's me again.

Long and the short of it, I had two babies, continued to put weight on, binged on really bad stuff and a week ago finally got a hold of myself and I've been on south beath phase one (more or less) for a week.

Last Saturday was day one and I weighed in at the largest I'd ever been - 320lb. Today I weighed and I was 309lb. Yay! I know a fair bit was water retention cos I spent the first two days weeing every ten minutes! But it can't all have been water. So yay, I'm going in the right direction.

I know I haven't blogged on here, but I just need to do it to have a place to stay accountable, even if noone else reads it, I know that they could!

(My husband still calls me beautiful, but I know I could look and feel better, and enjoy him and my kids more once I'm thinner)

I guess I ought to add some recent pics. Will do that soon...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

doing ok, I think (day 17)

Things are going pretty well. I went to two parties yesterday (Saturday). The first was 'afternoon tea' sort of time - 2 til 4, so I managed to avoid eating at it altogether (since all there was there was cake!) and the second was in the evening, but I was able to negotiate the buffet to find some quiche (and not eat the pastry), some chicken, sausage and lots of salad.

Today I tried making black bean brownies (I'll try to find the link for that). I used half a cup of sugar and I've eaten 1/36 of the end result. Plus I admit I had a lick of the spoon with batter on. But that was enough to give me a sugar headache. I think what I'll do is freeze them and have one as a treat once in a while, but it was enough to satisfy my craving for chocolate and deter me from wanting any more chocolate or sugar for a while. Actually, since I'm trying to be very honest here, I've just remembered that I did have one chocolate truffle earlier. We received them as a late home-made Christmas present and I just wanted to try one. But I will be giving the rest away.

I weighed myself yesterday and I was 284. That's up on my lowest, but that is partly to do with time of the month, and partly that my lowest was when my throat was really sore and I couldn't eat much at all.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

9th Jan 2011

Ok, so if today is 9th Jan, then that makes this day ten of my new start. And it's going well, sort of. It's going well in that I'm eating healthy, having less cravings for bad stuff and I'm losing weight. It's not going so well in that I haven't posted every day and currently I'm one poorly mama.

Thursday was spend still dealing with some of the lost purse fallout. I also went back in to town with my lovely friend Danielle to face my fears and to pop into the bank to say thank you to the ladies who helped me.

Friday we went to Teeny Tots in the morning, but at lunchtime my throat started hurting and it hasn't stopped since. By the evening I was dizzy and Menard says my head was really hurt. I started taking paracetamol, and have been ever since. Today I don't feel so dizzy and I think my temperature might be a bit closer to normal, but my throat is still really sore and my asthma is kicking in too, just for fun! Think I'll be ringing the doc in the morning to get checked over.

I've been using my wii fit to weigh myself cos my scales are just a bit too wacky to us anymore. I think being used as a door stop has not improved them! But this morning my wii fit went crazy too - the first time I tried it thought I'd put on two stone (28lb)! The second time was better, but still up, and I was all "hello, I've barely eaten, I'm still gonna check this again". I know it's not really a fair weigh-in cos I didn't eat much at all yesterday and that some weight may go back on once I can eat again (please throat stop hurting me when I swallow). But still, I did it anyway. And I was 285lb. Which would be 10lb down in 10 days.

I remember a similar thing happening in the past, that when I actually truly did phase one properly, the weight dropped off. I'll continue it for the two weeks it suggests and then I'll think about adding in some carbs cos I know weight loss like this is ok to kickstart, but not healthy to continue at quite such an alarming rate.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Day something? I've lost count. Oh and jan 5th!

Quick post. It's been a bit of a rough day. (see this post on It's my Life)

I've forgotten already what day I'm on. Yesterday was bad bad bad, but also good. I over did it way way too much on the nuts and cheese. But I did get out and get some exercise, also the dentist said my teeth were fine and no signs of decay!

Today's been better. I got at least twenty minutes brisk walking this morning and some this afternoon as well. And it's just occured to me that when things when bad this afternoon it didn't even occur to me to think something like "a bar of chocolate would cheer me up" whereas in the past that might have been one of my first thoughts.

Ok, back tomorrow.